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5.614541, -0.193824

Description of Organization

Most Ghanaian processing companies that use raw or pre-processed agricultural residues or postharvest wastes as production inputs are unable to source for them in a consistent and timely manner because they are scattered across the country and also because the agricultural industry of Ghana is very informal. Our system makes it easy for companies to easily source these residues in a timely, convenient and cost efficient manner. Using big data collected from across the country, Agro Sourcing Limited is mapping the various agricultural residues or postharvest wastes generated in the various parts of Ghana, their quantities and locations. These data are fed in a designed web system and mobile app that makes it easy for companies and individuals who need these agricultural residues like palm kernel shells, cocoa pods, coconut husks etc. as production inputs to easily request and get them delivered to them in a regular, consistent and cost efficient manner. Agro Sourcing Limited also carries out extensive research on the various uses of agricultural residues and then train local residents of farming communities, especially women, in the production processes of relevant products from readily available postharvest wastes to feed various industries. E.g. local residents are trained in processing coconut wastes to produce coir and charcoal from coconut shells for processing companies. Agro Sourcing Limited also provides market linkage to cottage industries that add value to agricultural residues to processing companies and industries e.g. Agro Sourcing Limited connects farm cottages that produce potassium carbonate salts from cocoa pods to cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies who use them for making of various products.

Organization Lead

Richmond Zissu Nutsuglo

Email Address

Contact Numbers

Website Address


Areas of Operation

Primary Activites

Waste Management

Secondary Activities

Waste Management

Waste Materials

Organic Waste

Waste Per Annum
